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Writer's pictureCharlotte Constantin

Born this way?

I'm not sure what my first ever photo was of, no doubt it was of myself -before the selfie became a thing. I just remember always having a deep rooted passion for photography, seeing the world behind the lens; it appears clearer, simpler and always calms me.

My Dad, his Dad and my Aunt (on the other side) are all brilliant photographers and videographers; is photography in my blood? or did their enthusiasm just pass down to me?

My Aunty Elaine- I basically lived round her house when I was little, my cousin Sian and I are very close in age and were inseparable as children and are still extremely close today. Elaine is a fantastic photographer; a professional for a while; a truly talented lady.

I remember always looking in awe at her photos that hung on the walls, it just made the house seem so full of love, emotion and memories-They captured such a wonderful moment in the lives of the subjects. She also had pictures of past generations, and having that history right there on the walls for all to see and admire; and I just remember thinking, I want to do that; I want to capture those moments and have those images hung on my walls.

My Dad, I learnt most of my skills from him. A self trained photographer; he's one of those people that can read one article on something and become a pro! He is also a very talented man.

Like him, I always have a camera attached and I am always left behind on walks because I get lost behind the lens.

I remember for my A-level photography course, he helped me out (I'm not sure it was solely for my benefit that he helped me). We went to some woodland areas around King's Lynn, we were gone for hours. I have a thing about Trees; my husband takes Mickey out of me for it. The way they are formed, all different-never two trees the same! The colours, the shapes, the textures; just beautiful. Anyway, we spent a whole day just snapping away and talking photography, comparing images. Just him and I - I am one of 5 children so getting time alone with the parents was rare, and special. It is a memory I still cherish today....many many years on.

My Grandad, he is very keen on preserving the family history; having stories to pass down to the next generations. He videoed everything; birthdays, Christmas's, visits; you name it it's on a video....well DVD, they converted all the home videos on to DVD's.....they are one of my favourite things to sit and watch, and I cannot wait until Loïc is old enough to share them with. All those memories and funny moments, captured on film. It truly is a blessing.

Whether my passion for photography was passed down through their enthusiasm or genetically, I don't know but I feel very privileged to have these talented people in my life, passing on their knowledge and skills.

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